

2019-2020 ICPC Asia Taipei-Hsinchu Regional Contest - L Largest Quadrilateral

Attachments - 2019-2020 ICPC Asia Taipei-Hsinchu Regional Contest - Codeforces



制約: 4 <= N <= 4096, 0 <= X_i, Y_i <= 10^9


1. なるべく大きい四角形を考えると、凸包に含まれてる点から選ばないと行けなさそう。
2. わかりません。

3. 凸包は、時には円のように考えてみるとうまくいきやすい!
4. 作る四角形の対角線のうちの1本を固定するとする。固定したうえでの面積最大化を考えてみる。
5. その状態で、対角線の一端を固定、もう一端を少しずらしてみると、面積が最大化されるような四角形の残りの2つの頂点の動き方は、広義単調であると気付く。->変則しゃくとり(命名、僕)でいけそう 例外処理忘れずに(すべて1本の直線上とか、凸包上の点が3つしかないとか)
6. AC!幾何ライブラリを持っておくと、2次元計算が楽になるのでいいですね。











using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
namespace v2d {
	struct Vec2 {
		double x, y;
		Vec2(double _x, double _y) {
			x = _x, y = _y;
		Vec2() {
			x = 0, y = 0;
		Vec2 operator+() const {
			return *this;
		Vec2 operator-() const {
			return{ -x, -y };
		Vec2 operator+ (const Vec2& b) const {
			return{ x + b.x, y + b.y };
		Vec2 operator- (const Vec2& b) const {
			return{ x - b.x, y - b.y };
		Vec2 operator* (const double b) const {
			return{ x * b, y * b };
		Vec2 operator/ (const double b) const {
			return{ x / b, y / b };
		Vec2 operator+= (const Vec2& b) {
			x += b.x, y += b.y;
			return *this;
		Vec2 operator-= (const Vec2& b) {
			x -= b.x, y -= b.y;
			return *this;
		Vec2 operator*= (const double b) {
			x *= b, y *= b;
			return *this;
		Vec2 operator/= (const double b) {
			x /= b, y /= b;
			return *this;
		bool operator== (const Vec2& b) {
			return b.x == x && b.y == y;
		double lengthSquare() {
			return (x * x + y * y);
		double length() {
			return std::sqrt(lengthSquare());
		double dot(const Vec2& b) {
			return x * b.x + y * b.y;
		double cross(const Vec2& b) {
			//Generally, cross product is vector, but in 2D, cross product is also scalar.
			return x * b.y - y * b.x;
		double distanceFrom(const Vec2& b) {
			return std::sqrt((x - b.x) * (x - b.x) + (y - b.y) * (y - b.y));
		Vec2 normalized() {
			return{ x / length(), y / length() };
		bool isZero() {
			return x == 0.0 && y == 0.0;
	inline Vec2 operator*(double a, const Vec2& b) {
		return{ b.x * a, b.y * a };
	template <class Char>
	inline std::basic_ostream<Char>& operator <<(std::basic_ostream<Char>& os, const Vec2& v)
		return os << Char('(') << v.x << Char(',') << v.y << Char(')');
	template <class Char>
	inline std::basic_istream<Char>& operator >> (std::basic_istream<Char>& is, Vec2& v)
		return is >> v.x >> v.y;
using namespace v2d;
namespace convex_h {
	bool comp_x(const v2d::Vec2& p, const v2d::Vec2& q) {
		if (p.x != q.x)return p.x < q.x;
		return p.y < q.y;
	bool comp_y(const v2d::Vec2& p, const v2d::Vec2& q) {
		if (p.y != q.y)return p.y < q.y;
		return p.x < q.x;
	struct convex_hull {
		const double EPS = 1e-10;
		vector<int> ans;
		vector<v2d::Vec2> candidate;
		vector<pair<v2d::Vec2, int>> taiou;
		void calc(bool is_cover = true) {
			for (int i = 0; i < candidate.size(); i++) {
				taiou.push_back(make_pair(candidate[i], i));
			sort(taiou.begin(), taiou.end(), [](pair<v2d::Vec2, int> &a, pair<v2d::Vec2, int> &b) {
				return comp_x(a.first, b.first);
			int k = 0;
			ans.resize(2 * taiou.size());
			for (int i = 0; i < taiou.size(); i++) {
				while (k > 1 && (is_cover && ((candidate[ans[k - 1]] - candidate[ans[k - 2]]).
					cross(taiou[i].first - candidate[ans[k - 1]]) <= 0) ||
					(!is_cover && (candidate[ans[k - 1]] - candidate[ans[k - 2]]).
						cross(taiou[i].first - candidate[ans[k - 1]]) < 0)))k--;
				ans[k++] = taiou[i].second;
			for (int i = taiou.size() - 2, t = k; i >= 0; i--) {
				while (k > t && (is_cover && (candidate[ans[k - 1]] - candidate[ans[k - 2]]).
					cross(taiou[i].first - candidate[ans[k - 1]]) <= 0) ||
					((!is_cover && (candidate[ans[k - 1]] - candidate[ans[k - 2]]).
						cross(taiou[i].first - candidate[ans[k - 1]]) < 0)))k--;
				ans[k++] = taiou[i].second;
			ans.resize(k - 1);
		double farthest_dis() {
			//Using effective algorithm, 
			//this function can calculate farthest distance of all point in convex hull int O(n).
			//This algorithm name is Rptating Calipers, according to 蟻本.
			double res = 0;
			int n = ans.size();
			if (ans.size() == 2) {
				return candidate[ans[0]].distanceFrom(candidate[ans[1]]);
			int i = 0, j = 0;
			for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
				if (!comp_x(candidate[ans[i]], candidate[ans[k]]))i = k;
				if (comp_x(candidate[ans[j]], candidate[ans[k]]))j = k;
			int si = i, sj = j;
			while (i != sj || j != si) {
				res = max(res, candidate[ans[i]].distanceFrom(candidate[ans[j]]));
				int nxti = (i + 1) % n, nxtj = (j + 1) % n;
				if ((candidate[ans[nxti]] - candidate[ans[i]]).cross(candidate[ans[nxtj]] - candidate[ans[j]]) < 0) {
					i = (i + 1) % n;
				else {
					j = (j + 1) % n;
			return res;
		double hull_distance() {
			double ret = candidate[ans[0]].distanceFrom(candidate[ans.back()]);
			for (int i = 1; i < ans.size(); i++) {
				ret += candidate[ans[i]].distanceFrom(candidate[ans[i - 1]]);
			return ret;
ll S_2times(Vec2 a, Vec2 b) {
	return abs(a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x);
ll min3(ll a, ll b, ll c) {
	return min(a, min(b, c));
int main() {
	int T;
	cin >> T;
	while (T--) {
		int N;
		cin >> N;
		vector<Vec2> P(N);
		for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
			cin >> P[i];
		convex_h::convex_hull ch;
		ch.candidate = P, ch.calc(false);
		if (ch.ans.size() <= 2) {
			cout << 0 << endl;
		if (ch.ans.size() == 3) {
			ll ans = 0;
			Vec2 a = P[ch.ans[0]], b = P[ch.ans[1]], c = P[ch.ans[2]];
			for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
				if (a == P[i] || b == P[i] || c == P[i])continue;
				ans = max(ans, S_2times(b - a, c - a) -
						S_2times(P[i] - a, c - a),
						S_2times(P[i] - a, b - a),
						S_2times(P[i] - b, P[i] - c)
			if (ans % 2 == 0)cout << ans / 2 << endl;
			else cout << ans / 2 << ".5" << endl;
		ll ans = -1145141919810;
		for (int i = 0; i < ch.ans.size(); i++) {
			int s1 = i, s2 = i + 2;
			ll maxs1 = 0, maxs2 = 0;
			for (int j = i + 2; j < ch.ans.size() + i; j++) {
				while (s1 + 1 < j && maxs1 <= S_2times(P[ch.ans[j % ch.ans.size()]] - P[ch.ans[i]], P[ch.ans[j % ch.ans.size()]] - P[ch.ans[(s1 + 1) % ch.ans.size()]])) {
					maxs1 = S_2times(P[ch.ans[j % ch.ans.size()]] - P[ch.ans[i]], P[ch.ans[j % ch.ans.size()]] - P[ch.ans[(s1 + 1) % ch.ans.size()]]);
				while (s2 + 1 < ch.ans.size() + i && maxs2 <= S_2times(P[ch.ans[j % ch.ans.size()]] - P[ch.ans[i]], P[ch.ans[j % ch.ans.size()]] - P[ch.ans[(s2 + 1) % ch.ans.size()]])) {
					maxs2 = S_2times(P[ch.ans[j % ch.ans.size()]] - P[ch.ans[i]], P[ch.ans[j % ch.ans.size()]] - P[ch.ans[(s2 + 1) % ch.ans.size()]]);
				ans = max(ans, maxs1 + maxs2);
				if (s2 == j)s2++;
				else {
					maxs1 = S_2times(P[ch.ans[(j + 1) % ch.ans.size()]] - P[ch.ans[i]], P[ch.ans[(j + 1) % ch.ans.size()]] - P[ch.ans[s1 % ch.ans.size()]]);
					maxs2 = S_2times(P[ch.ans[(j + 1) % ch.ans.size()]] - P[ch.ans[i]], P[ch.ans[(j + 1) % ch.ans.size()]] - P[ch.ans[s2 % ch.ans.size()]]);
		if(ans % 2 == 0)cout << ans / 2 << endl;
		else cout << ans / 2 << ".5" << endl;
	return 0;




